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Ailantex® war in Österreich als Herbizid mit der Pfl.Reg.Nr. 4498-0 nach Art. 53 der VO (EG) 1107/2009 in Forst, Zierpflanzen- und Weinbau von 04.05.2024 - 31.08.2024 und in Nichtkulturland (Wege und Plätze, Gleisanlagen und landwirtschaftlich nicht genutzte Flächen) von 15.04.2024-30.06.2024 und 01.09.2024-13.10.2024 zugelassen.
Derzeit besteht keine Zulassung, weshalb das Produkt weder in Verkehr gebracht, gelagert noch angewandt werden darf.

Die nachfolgenden Informationen zu Verticillium nonalfalfae beruhen auf langjährigen Forschungsergebnissen der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien.

Ailantex® was approved in Austria from 15.04. – 13.10.2024 according to Art. 53 of Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 (Pfl.Reg.Nr. 4498-0). There is currently no authorisation, therefore the product may not be placed on the market, stored or used.

The following information on Verticillium nonalfalfae is based on many years of research at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.

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Verticillium nonalfalfae
a natural antagonist of Ailanthus altissima (Tree of Heaven)

The information on this page is based on 12 years of research and development work at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna.
The Tree of Heaven and its natural antagonist
The harmful organism
Ailanthus altissima

Lechner, Y.; Maschek, O.; Kirisits, T.; Halmschlager, E. (2023): Further pathogenicity testing of Verticillium nonalfalfae, a biocontrol agent against the invasive Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima), on non-target tree species in Europe. Phytoparasitica.; 51(1):113-130 FullText

Dauth, B.; Maschek, O.; Steinkellner, S.; Kirisits, T.; Halmschlager, E. (2022): Non-target effects of Verticillium nonalfalfae isolate Vert56 used for biological control of Ailanthus altissima on agricultural crops known to be generally susceptible to Verticillium spp.. BIOL CONTROL.; 174, 10503 FullText

Halmschlager, E; Maschek, O. (2018): Sustainable control of Ailanthus altissima using the bioherbicide „Ailantex“. [Non-native tree species for European forests, Vienna, AUSTRIA, SEPT 12-14, 2018] In: Pötzelsberger, E; Spiecker, H; Hasenauer, H; Konnert, M; Mohren, GMJ; Gazda, A, Non-native tree species for European forests - Experiences, Risks and Oppertunities, Institute of Silviculture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Vienna

Maschek, O. (2018): Biologische Bekämpfung von Ailanthus altissima mit dem Welkepilz Verticillium nonalfalfae. Dissertation am Inst. f. Forstentomologie, Forstpathologie und Forstschutz, 96; Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

Maschek, O.; Halmschlager, E.: Effects of Verticillium nonalfalfae on Ailanthus altissima and associated indigenous and invasive tree species in eastern Austria. EUR J FOREST RES. 2018; 137(2): 197-209. FullText

Maschek, O.; Halmschlager E. (2017): Biologische Bekämpfung des Götterbaums – realistische Option in naher Zukunft? Natur&Land 3, 32-33.

Maschek, O.; Halmschlager, E.: Natural distribution of Verticillium wilt on invasive Ailanthus altissima in eastern Austria and its potential for biocontrol. FOREST PATHOL. 2017; 47(5): FullText

Maschek, O.; Halmschlager, E.: A rapid, reliable and less-destructive method for stem inoculations on trees. FOREST PATHOL. 2016; 46(2): 171-173. FullText

Maschek, O.; Halmschlager, E.: First Report of Verticillium Wilt on Ailanthus altissima in Europe Caused by Verticillium nonalfalfae. PLANT DIS. 2016; 100(2): 529-529. FullText
Disease progression of the Tree of Heaven

gesunder Götterbaum
Healthy trees
abgestorbene Pflanzenteile mit Notaustrieben
Partially withered plants
gesamte Pflanze abgestorben
Withered plants
Disease progression

After infection, fungal spores of Verticillium nonalfalfae are distributed in the sap stream. Germinated spores in turn form local mycelium aggregations, which release enzymes and toxins into the water transport tissue. This leads to withering and subsequent decay of the plants. The first symptoms can occur 4 - 6 weeks after inoculation if applied early and under favourable conditions. In the case of large trees, the effect is usually only visible in the following year. The fungus can also spread into neighbouring shoots if they are connected to an infected tree by root runners.
Natural habitat

  • PfeilForest
  • PfeilNon-cultivated land, such as Railway tracks or Areas not used for agricultural purposes (eg. pipeline routes)
  • PfeilOrnamentals plant cultivation, including parks and paths
  • PfeilViticulture
  • PfeilAgriculture

Forst städtischen Bereich Zierpflanzenbau Weinbau
städtischen Bereich städtischen Bereich städtischen Bereich
Zierpflanzenbau städtischen Bereich Nichtkulturland Leitungstrassen
städtischen Bereich Forst städtischen Bereich Leitungstrassen

further information
research partner

biological plant protection, beneficial insects
production, trade and consulting GmbH

Kapleigasse 16
1110 Vienna
Tel: 01 769 9 769 - fax: DW 16

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biohelp - biological plant protection, Nützlingsproduktions-, Handels- und Beratungs-GmbH

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biohelp - biological plant protection
Nützlingsproduktions-, Handels- und Beratungs-GmbH Postadresse: 1110 Wien, Kapleigasse 16
E-Mail: datenschutz@biohelp.at

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